Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 1-5, 2010

Happy March! We are celebrating that fact with conferences and a three-day week! Here's what we are doing!

Monday: Today we will do Read Out Loud and a Caught 'Ya. Then we handed in the Tic-Tac-Toe activities for the book we read. Be sure to hand yours in! We will also make corrections on the noun quiz we took and then start with our preparation for the book we are going to read, The Devil's Arithmetic, by learning some Jewish vocabulary.

Tuesday: We start out with some work on verbs. We have a verb worksheet with exercises to finish. We will clean out our English folders, too. Next, we will work on some peer editing for the rough draft of the mystery story that is due today. You will get an editing paper. A friend and an adult get to read your mystery and help you make it the best it can be.

Wednesday: Today we will finish up with the Jewish vocabulary and answer any questions about the mystery story that is due on Monday, March 8. Then we will have a Seder Meal to see how Jewish people celebrate the Passover.

Thursday: No School!

Friday: No School!

IMPORTANT DATE: March 8--Mystery story final draft,
rough draft and
six worksheets all DUE!

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