Friday, February 25, 2011

The week of February 28:

Monday- After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we will study the spelling words. Then we will take a quiz on Chapters 5-15 in Crispin. The next assignment will be Chapters 16-21 (pages 69-100) and the quiz will be Thursday. We will then go over a verb review exercise (that they were given Friday) in class to prepare them for the verb test Tuesday.

Tuesday- We will do the Verb Test, silent reading time, study vocabulary, and we'll have discussion questions over pages 69-100 -due Thursday (with the reading).

Wednesday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught 'Ya, and we'll have our spelling quiz over 10 words from Crispin. Students will get new vocabulary words and they'll have some work time to read or work on discussion questions.

Thursday- We'll take the Crispin quiz (69-100), discuss the discussion questions in groups, study the new vocabulary, and silent read.

Friday- We will do Read Out Loud, a Caught 'Ya, study spelling, and we'll introduce a letter writing assignment using the characters and events that are in Crispin. The rough draft of this letter is due Tuesday.

Monday- study spelling, reading Crispin
Tuesday- study spelling, discussion questions are due Thursday
Wednesday- reading- Pgs. 69-100 are due Thursday, discussion questions
Thursday- study new vocab. and read Crispin
Friday- Rough draft of letter and Pgs. 101-152 are due Monday

Friday, February 18, 2011

Monday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught 'Ya, and we will hand out the book Crispin. We will begin reading the book and will start an activity where students will be mapping Crispin's adventures and events that occur during the book. There will be a quiz over chapters 1-4 in the book on Wednesday.

Tuesday- We'll have silent reading. Students will get vocabulary words that deal with Crispin. They will be on flashcards. We will also work on verbs, doing a practice exercise in class.

Wednesday- We will start with Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. We will also make a quick trip to the library to renew and check out books. We plan to take a Crispin Quiz on Chapters 1-4 (pages 1-23) using the CPS system. The next section of the book Crispin will be Chapters 5-15 (pages 23-69) and the quiz will be on Friday. We have another verb exercise to do as well.

Thursday- The hour will begin with SSR time. Then we will study the spelling words for the quiz next Tuesday. We will also do a verb exercise on keeping verb tenses consistent.

Friday- After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we will study the spelling words. Then we will take a quiz on Chapters 5-15 in Crispin. The next assignment will be Chapters 16-21 (pages 69-100) and the quiz will be next Tuesday. We will then complete a verb review exercise in class for the verb quiz on Monday.

HOMEWORK: Monday--None
Wednesday--Quiz over Chapters 1-4 in Crispin
Friday--Quiz over Chapters 5-15 in Crispin

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week of February 15-18

Monday- No School- Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday- We will do an exercise on verbs. Students will finish their plan sheet for their PowerPoint, and they will begin to make their presentation on medieval terms. There will be an exit ticket on defining a verb and listing 8 state of being verbs.

Wednesday- We will do Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Students will get to finish their PowerPoint presentations.

Thursday- We will do another activity with verbs. Students will present their medieval term and students will take notes on others' presentations.

Friday- We will do Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Students will finish presenting their medieval term presentation, and students will continue to take notes.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday- We finished up loose ends with poetry, and began a PowerPoint on verbs.

Tuesday- We had silent reading, finished the verb PowerPoint, and practiced identifying verbs.

Wednesday- We did Read Out Loud and Caught Ya. We also introduced their medieval term project where students work with a partner researching an aspect of medieval life. They will eventually be creating a PowerPoint presentation which they will present to the class next week. This work is in preparation for the reading of the novel Crispin.

Thursday- We will continue to work on their medieval term project and we'll do another activity with verbs.