Friday, February 18, 2011

Monday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught 'Ya, and we will hand out the book Crispin. We will begin reading the book and will start an activity where students will be mapping Crispin's adventures and events that occur during the book. There will be a quiz over chapters 1-4 in the book on Wednesday.

Tuesday- We'll have silent reading. Students will get vocabulary words that deal with Crispin. They will be on flashcards. We will also work on verbs, doing a practice exercise in class.

Wednesday- We will start with Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. We will also make a quick trip to the library to renew and check out books. We plan to take a Crispin Quiz on Chapters 1-4 (pages 1-23) using the CPS system. The next section of the book Crispin will be Chapters 5-15 (pages 23-69) and the quiz will be on Friday. We have another verb exercise to do as well.

Thursday- The hour will begin with SSR time. Then we will study the spelling words for the quiz next Tuesday. We will also do a verb exercise on keeping verb tenses consistent.

Friday- After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we will study the spelling words. Then we will take a quiz on Chapters 5-15 in Crispin. The next assignment will be Chapters 16-21 (pages 69-100) and the quiz will be next Tuesday. We will then complete a verb review exercise in class for the verb quiz on Monday.

HOMEWORK: Monday--None
Wednesday--Quiz over Chapters 1-4 in Crispin
Friday--Quiz over Chapters 5-15 in Crispin

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