Monday, September 26, 2011

Week of September 26

Monday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, practice identifying nouns, and we'll brainstorm a time where they or someone else had to face a challenge. Any extra time will be used to either work on their student writing response or to silent read.

Tuesday- We will begin with Silent Reading (their weekly reading report is due on Friday- they must read 75 pages and fill in the sheet), and we will also reflect on our cause and effect writing from last week. We will also begin talking about using commas in a series.

Wednesday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, teach point of view and have an assignment practice this, and go over the rules for plural nouns.

Thursday- We will begin with Silent Reading, practice with plural nouns, and read "Persephone and the Season". There will be a journal writing assignment using point of view and a character from the story. This writing will be due on Monday.

Friday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, and go over the difference with plurals, possessives, and contractions. We will practice this and have some work time at the end to work on their journal.

Monday- Complete response to student writing sample- due Tuesday
Tuesday- Read and work on weekly reading report
Wednesday- Read and point of view assignment
Thursday- Read and begin journal- weekly reading report due Friday
Friday- Hand in weekly reading report, and get new weekly reading report. Journal due on Monday.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week of September 19

Monday- We will do Read out loud, Caught Ya, they'll present their conversation or comic in front of the class, and we'll review nouns. Students will have a sheet to do on common and proper nouns that may be homework.

Tuesday- We will have silent reading, go over proper nouns, and we'll talk about cause and effect writing.

Wednesday- We will have our first visit to the library, do Read out loud, and Caught Ya. We will brainstrom a cause and effect paper.

Thursday- We will have silent reading, we'll read the myth about Pandora's box and students will have to answer multiple choice questions and a short answer using the story. We will also have work time where they can silent read or work on their cause and effect essay (rough draft).

Friday- We'll do Read out loud, Caught Ya, go over a student writing sample response, and we'll write our own response.

Monday- they'll have to hand in their god/goddess Barbie/ action figure and conversation. Do proper noun sheet for homework.
Tuesday- read for homework
Wednesday- read for homework, and work on beginning cause and effect essay
Thursday- work on cause and effect essay and weekly reading report- both due Friday!
Friday- the first weekly reading report and the rough draft of the cause and effect essay is due. A new weekly reading report will be handed out- due next Friday- read 75 pages and fill in sheet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The week of September 12

Welcome to the 7th grade English blog! We're happy to have you here. You can check this website to see what's going on in class, and see what the homework will be for the week.

Monday- Read out loud from the book Crash, do Caught Ya (a grammar/editing activity), we reviewed how to punctuate dialogue, and we practiced punctuating dialogue with an article. Lastly, students were assigned a god, goddess, or Titan and they needed to read through the packet of information and take sticky notes on their person for homework.

Tuesday- We shared good news, we went over their dialogue practice from yesterday, and students were given an assignment for their god/goddess/Titan. They will need to create their own action figure or Barbie doll for their person. They will also be paired up with another student and they will have to create a conversation or comic between their person and their partner's person. These will both be due on Monday.

Wednesday- Read out loud, Caught Ya, read "Arachne" and do multiple choice and short answer questions over the story. Finally, there will be work time for their action figure/Barbie, or to work on their conversation.

Thursday- We will start with silent reading for 15 minutes. They have a weekly reading report that needs to be filled out after they read for 15 minutes. They need to write a five sentence summary and need to draw a picture. We'll read a myth about Daedalus and Icarus, and we'll decide who is to blame. Finally, there will be work time for their action figure/Barbie, or to work on their conversation.

Friday-Read out loud, Caught Ya, Noun review and practice, and then work time. Their two assignments on their god, goddess, Titan are due on Monday!

Mon- read about your god/goddess and take sticky notes
Tues- you could work on your action figure or Barbie (due Monday)
Wed- make sure you get an SSR book for Thursday
Thurs- work on your action figure figure or Barbie
Fri- Silent read over the weekend, and make sure your action figure is done by Monday