Tuesday- We will begin with Silent Reading (their weekly reading report is due on Friday- they must read 75 pages and fill in the sheet), and we will also reflect on our cause and effect writing from last week. We will also begin talking about using commas in a series.
Wednesday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, teach point of view and have an assignment practice this, and go over the rules for plural nouns.
Thursday- We will begin with Silent Reading, practice with plural nouns, and read "Persephone and the Season". There will be a journal writing assignment using point of view and a character from the story. This writing will be due on Monday.
Friday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, and go over the difference with plurals, possessives, and contractions. We will practice this and have some work time at the end to work on their journal.
Monday- Complete response to student writing sample- due Tuesday
Tuesday- Read and work on weekly reading report
Wednesday- Read and point of view assignment
Thursday- Read and begin journal- weekly reading report due Friday
Friday- Hand in weekly reading report, and get new weekly reading report. Journal due on Monday.