Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just before conferences!

Plays will be performed on Monday, October 26! Be sure to bring in your props and find an item or two for a costume! Take time to go over your part as well! The show will go on!

Also, don't forget that you have a Weekly Reading Report due on Monday as well! You should read four times for 15 minutes each and then write a five-sentence summary and draw a picture of an important event from the pages you read.

If you have any questions, let me know!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Homecoming Friday Homework

The only homework you have for tomorrow, Friday, October 2, is completing the "Common Misspelled Words" worksheet. (It's a white packet.)

Remember that on Monday, Weekly Reading Report #3 is due with 75 pages read in a book of your choice, but one that you haven't read before.