Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week of December 6-10, 2010

It's December and only two weeks until Christmas! We have a lot to do and it's not shopping!

Monday: We start with Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we continue working on the persuasive essay by writing three practice intros. The choices of intro are an anecdote (small story), an interesting fact or statistic, and a snapshot descriptive paragraph. After the intros are written, choose one and start writing your rough draft.

Tuesday: Today we are planning to enjoy some Silent Sustained Reading time, keeping in mind that a Weekly Reading Report is due this week. Then, you will have time to complete your rough draft for the persuasive essay on whether it is necessary to give Christmas gifts or not.

Wednesday: First we have Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we have an explanation of short stories and the seven important terms to learn about them. We use a movie to help us understand each short story part. Next we watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and then filled in the short story chart about it.

Thursday: We start the day with SSR. The Weekly Reading Report is collected today. Then we check to make sure that your persuasive essay rough draft is finished so that tomorrow we can all peer edit another student's paper. After that, we read "Priscilla and the Wimps." We will fill in another short story chart. Then we will start another chart about analyzing characters. We will do one column together about the Grinch and then you will get to fill in three other columns about the main characters in "Priscilla and the Wimps."

Friday: Today we will be having Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we will review the final preparations for handing in your persuasive essay on Monday. The Works Cited page will be explained next as well as going over the grade rubric for the essay. Then students will have time to peer edit each other's papers. Then students can edit their own papers.

The Persuasive Essay Final Draft is due on Monday, December 13.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

If you ever need or want something to read, check out the HMS Press blog for the latest news at Hamilton Middle School.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

For the week of November 29....Remember there is no school Monday or Tuesday! Enjoy your time off!

Wednesday- We will do Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. We will also head to the library to get a new book. Students will have to do a weekly reading report with this book. They'll need to read for 15 minutes for four times and record a summary of what they read. We will then explain the persuasive essay. The persuasive essay is whether or not there should be gifts given at Christmas. We'll write a journal in class exploring both sides of the issue.

Thursday- We will silent read for the first 15 minutes of class. Students can fill in a portion of their weekly reading report. We'll have the students pick what side they'd like to persuade from for the Christmas essay, and we'll write thesis statements. We'll also go over paraphrasing and quoting from a source. We'll practice this with articles on reindeer and Santa.

Friday- We will do Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Students will get articles today that they will need to get quotes or paraphrases from to support their view for their persuasive essay. We'll read the articles in class, and we'll highlight potential quotes. Students will also begin planning their essay on a plan sheet.

Wednesday- read and fill in Weekly Reading Report (due next Wednesday)
Thursday- read for Weekly Reading Report
Friday- Fill out plan sheet- due Monday, and read for Weekly Reading Report
We're a little behind on the blog updating! We've been reading The Breadwinner as a class, working on complete sentences, and learning new vocabulary words from The Breadwinner. We finished the book today (Tuesday, November 23) and we'll be having a test over the entire book tomorrow, Wednesday. November flew by quickly!

Coming soon.....a persuasive essay on whether or not to give Christmas gifts and short stories.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week of November 1-5, 2010

Monday: We start with Read Out Loud with Crash and then a Caught 'Ya. Next we worked on homophones, one side of the page with a partner. Then we got all the myth materials out, added the rubric and stapled all the papers together. Next we went from desk to desk to read eachother's myths, leaving a positive comment after reading it. Then we handed them in.

Tuesday: After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we worked on the other side of the homophone paper with a partner again. The paper is due on Wednesday. Then we read an brief article about the author of the book we are going to read, Deborah Ellis. We then discussed the concept of "activism" and what possible topics students could become "active" about. Finally, we wrote journals about a topic that you could be interested in. This is due on Wednesday, too.

Wednesday: Following Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we filled in information about complete sentences as we watched a powerpoint presentation. Then we worked briefly on a worksheet identifying and fixing complete sentences. Next, we made flashcards of the vocabulary for the book The Breadwinner. We also went to the library. We also took Cloze Spelling Test #2.

Thursday: We did Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we graded the three worksheets from previously in the week--the homophone worksheet, the Cloze Spelling Test #2, and the sentence fragment worksheet. At the end of the hour, the students worked on an Afghanistan chart with information and questions and a complete sentence worksheet. Both of these are due on Friday.

Friday: After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we graded the complete sentence worksheet and the Afghanistan chart. Then we reviewed the vocabulary using the flashcards. Next, we handed out the books of The Breadwinner to each student, the comprehension question packet, and assigned the first three chapters of the book to be read with the questions done by Tuesday, November 9. Pages to be read by Tuesday: 7-43; Chapter 1-3.

Monday: Myth final draft
Tuesday: Journal
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Complete Sentence Worksheet and Flashcards
Friday: Complete Sentence Worksheet Exercise 1 and Afghanistan chart

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 25-27, 2010

Happy Day! A short week!

Monday: First, we read out loud in Crash. Then we did a Caught 'Ya. Next we explained the format for all final drafts in English class. Finally, we peer edited the rough drafts of our myths. The final draft is due Monday.

Tuesday: No School

Wednesday: Today we did read out loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we did some work with homophones and completed a worksheet. We also did some spelling work and then read an author biography about Deborah Ellis who wrote The Breadwinner a novel which we will begin next week. Finally we wrote a journal on political or social activism and what issue each student would like to be involved with.

Thursday: NO School

Friday: NO School

Monday: Myths, final draft due!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Weekly of October 11-15, 2010

This week we started the MEAP in English. We took the MEAP on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Some classes were shortened due to the MEAP.

Monday- We will read out loud from Crash and do Caught Ya. The students also took a five word spelling "test" over common words, and they began a cause and effect essay. The cause and effect essay deals with why the Greeks told myths. Students have to use examples from three of the six stories. We will work on their thesis statement and will plan their essay.

Tuesday- We will have a shortened class and work on our cause and effect essay rough draft. The rough draft is due Thursday.

Wednesday- We will read out loud from Crash and do Caught Ya. We will go over prefixes and suffixes and have two handouts that work on making words with prefixes and suffixes. Students also will begin reading myths in groups and each story had a different reading strategy that goes with it.

Thursday- We will have a shortened class and we will continue reading myths in groups. The rough draft of the cause and effect essay is due today. Students will reflect on their writing and fill in an evaluation sheet.

Friday- We will read out loud from Crash and do Caught Ya. We will go over introductory words and direct address with commas. Students will then continue reading their myths and filling in their reading sheet. Weekly Reading Report #5 is due today.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week of October 4--October 8, 2010

The MEAP tests are only one week away! Get ready to do your best! Here is what we will be working on this week.

MONDAY: We'll do Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Next, we'll grade your cloze spelling test from last Friday and finish working on your Common Misspelled Words packet. Then you will grade your cause and effect essays. After that we will start working on a story about Hercules and you'll fill in a chart as you go about the 12 Tasks he had to perform.

TUESDAY: Today we'll have SSR time so you can read for the Weekly Reading Report that is due on Friday. Then we'll grade the Common Misspelled Words packet. Next, we'll finish reading the Hercules story and filling in the chart. After that we'll go over your student writing sample and then grade your own.

WEDNESDAY: After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya we will go to the library so you can renew or turn in your books and get a new one. Then we'll do some spelling work by doing a there, their, and they're worksheet called "The Three Pigs" and a review and proofreading exercise.

THURSDAY: We'll read for about 15 minutes for SSR. Then you get to read the myth called "Theseus and the Minotaur." We will be making a cartoon about the story, using 11x17 inch paper and coloring each square and using a caption. This will be due next Monday.

FRIDAY: We'll have Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we'll have a quiz over the Common Misspelled Words. We'll also collect your fourth Weekly Reading Report. Then you'll have time to work on the Minotaur Cartoon.

TUESDAY: Common Misspelled Words
THURSDAY: Three Pigs worksheet and Rewrite
FRIDAY: Weekly Reading Report #4 and Quiz over Common Misspelled Words
NEXT MONDAY: Minotaur Cartoon

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week of September 27-October 1, 2010

After last week and our writing frenzy, we need a bit of a breather! See how you like this!

MONDAY: We'll start with Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we will study a bit about the meaning of the word "genre" and look at a few examples so that you will know what to write on your Weekly Reading Reports. After that we will learn about writing from different points of view. Your homework will be about a trip to an amusement park and you will write your response to the trip from your point of view, one of your parent's point of view, and either your pet's, your sibling's, or your friend's point of view. You will write seven sentences for each paragraph. This will be due on Wednesday.

TUESDAY: First, we will review what first and third person is through a powerpoint presentation and a worksheet. Then we'll focus on spelling, working primarily on long and short vowel sounds. We will do a few exercises and practices and even a competition! Then we'll finish up with SSR.

WEDNESDAY: As usual, we will have Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we'll get a worksheet about long vowel sounds to get your brains working and your vocabulary improving. Finally, we'll read a myth, "Persephone and the Season." Then, as one of the main characters in the myth, you will write a 20-line journal about the myth, using 10 facts from the story and the feelings and emotions that your character might be feeling. This journal is due on Friday.

THURSDAY: We will be doing Scholastic Reading Inventory testing in Mrs. Fuzak's room today. Bring all your work, because with any time left you will be able to work on the journal or your reading and Weekly Reading Report.

FRIDAY: Today, after Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we will grade our Cause and Effect essays, focusing on ways you could improve. Then we will go over some common misspelled words and a worksheet. Finally, we will complete a cloze test on the most commonly used seventh grade words--all words that you should be very familiar with!

WEDNESDAY: Three amusement park point of view paragraphs are due
FRIDAY: PERSEPHONE, DEMETER, or PLUTO journal is due and your Weekly Reading Report #3 is due!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week of September 20-24, 2010

The emphasis this week is going to be on writing, so get your pencils sharpened!

Monday: After Read Out Loud (ROL) and Caught 'Ya, in class we will present the Greek god and goddess dialogues in front of class and then hand in your action figure and that dialogue.

Tuesday: After reading an SSR book for the first part of class, we will learn about writing "Cause and Effect" papers. You will get to choose to write a paper on the topic of your choice. It will be a 5-paragraph essay including an introduction, three body paragraphs and then a conclusion. This paper will be written in class UNLESS you don't finish it and then you can hand it in on Wednesday!

Wednesday: We will begin with Read Out Loud (ROL) and Caught 'Ya. Then we will analyze a student writing paper. We will then write a response, answering a question about that writing. What did the writer of the paper do well, where could they improve, etc. We will write this analysis in class and hand it in.

Thursday: We will read our SSR book for the first part of class. Then we will read the myth, "Pandora's Box" and answer a few questions about that. Next, we will brainstorm an idea to write about, creating a mind map, including many details and descriptions, about an experience we have had.

Friday: Today we will repeat what we did on Wednesday. We'll have Read Out Loud (ROL) and Caught' Ya and then have another practice analyzing another student's essay, explaining what they did well and how they could improve. Also, today Weekly Reading Report #2 is due---75 pages read and a report turned in!

Monday: Action figure and Dialogue
Tuesday: Cause and Effect Paper
Wednesday: Student Writing Analysis
Thursday: Pandora's Box questions and Mind Map
Friday: Student Writing Analysis and Weekly Reading Report (WR2 #2)

Whew! What a week!

Friday, May 14, 2010

English Work for May 17-21

MONDAY: We'll start off the week with Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we will correct the adverb practice that we worked on on Friday. We will get the friendly letters back, and those who need to make corrections will and turn them in by Wednesday. Next we will have time to read Chapter 7 in The Outsiders.

TUESDAY: First, we will have SSR. Then we will take the adverbs quiz. This will count for a grade! Then we will work on inferences--what they are, and what they mean in the book, The Outsiders.

WEDNESDAY: After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya we will read Chapter 8 from the book in Readers Theater style. People will take parts and read. Then we will split into groups and work on writing a few inferences of our own!

THURSDAY: We will have Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we will have some time to read Chapter 9 for the quiz on Friday over Chapters 7-9. Next, we will divide into groups and write a song about The Outsiders that we will perform on Friday.

FRIDAY: After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya are finished, we will take the CPS quiz over chapters 7-9 and write a journal about "Stay Gold." At the end of class we will practice our songs and then perform them for the class.

Should be a great week in school and with the weather!

MONDAY: Adverb Practice
TUESDAY: Heroes paper
WEDNESDAY: Letter with Envelope
FRIDAY: Quiz and Song

Friday, May 7, 2010

English Work for May 10-14, 2010

Wow! It's May and Tulip Time is almost over! Time is flying! Let's finish this school year happily and merrily. (what part of speech are those words?)


MONDAY: We will start with Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we will listen to a song by Stevie Wonder. (Ask your parents if you won't know who he is.) He wrote the theme song for The Outsiders movie. Then you will read a student writing and write a one-page paper about whether you think the writing is good or not. That will be due on Wednesday.

TUESDAY: We will enjoy a little SSR time and do a Caught 'Ya. Next we will do some adverb practice. After that we will read the letter that Sodapop wrote to Ponyboy. Then we will write our own friendly letters or thank you letters to people of our choice. The letter will be at least three paragraphs long and we will also practice writing envelopes and then send the letters.

WEDNESDAY: First, we will have ROL and Caught 'Ya. We will visit the library--probably the last visit of the year. Then we will learn a little bit about "Gone With the Wind." Then we will read Chapter Six of The Outsiders.

THURSDAY: We will have time for SSR. Next we will take a CPS quiz over chapters 4-6. After that we will answer some discussion questions and talk about what it means to be a hero. The letter is due today.

FRIDAY: First, we'll have ROL and then Caught 'Ya. We will have Adverb Practice--exactly like the quiz we are going to take on the following Tuesday. We will continue on in our discussion of The Outsiders.

Homework: Monday: None
Tuesday: Chapter 6 read
Wednesday: Response to Student Writing
Thursday: Letter and CPS Quiz on Chapter 4-6
Friday: Write about Heroes

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

English Work for May 3-7, 2010

It's Tulip Time! Yea! And it's a four-day week. Here's your work in English class for the first week of May.

MONDAY: First, we will have Read Out Loud. Then we will do another Caught 'Ya. After that we will take our first CPS quiz from The Outsiders. After that, we will read chapter four.

TUESDAY: First we'll have SSR time when you can read chapter four in The Outsiders or read your own book. Next, we will work on a wanted poster. This poster will be about one of the boys from the book who has been involved in a crime.

WEDNESDAY: Enjoy Tulip Time! You are free from school! It's a Professional Development Day.

THURSDAY: Today we will have ROL and Caught 'Ya. Then we will write a short response about Identity and what makes you, you? AFter that we will start studying a new part of speech--adverbs. We will have a powerpoint and exercises about this valuable part of speech.

FRIDAY: Again, we will have ROL and Caught 'Ya. Next we will have some practice on adverbs and then read chapter 5 in The Outsiders.

English for April 26-30

We are starting our last book to read as a class for your year as a seventh grader! Wow! Time flies! We will begin reading The Outsiders this week as we have been preparing for it all last week while we were taking the Scholastic Reading Inventory.

MONDAY: Along with Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we will do a review exercise about adjectives. We will be taking a quiz on adjectives on Friday. Then, your own copy of The Outsiders will be handed out and you will read chapter one and fill in a character chart about 10 of the main characters.

TUESDAY: We will have SSR today. Then we will do an exercise about 1st person and 3rd person point of view. After that, we will have time to work on and then correct the adjective review sheet.

WEDNESDAY: After ROL and Caught 'Ya, we will take a trip to the library to be sure that you have a book to read for the WR2 that is due on MONDAY! Then you will have some time to answer discussion questions about chapter one in The Outsiders. Chapter two will also be assigned along with a worksheet. You will need to read chapter two, draw a picture in color with a caption about chapter two and then write five important events from chapter two. This will be due on FRIDAY!

THURSDAY: SSR first day. Then we will read chapter two (if you are not done yet) and then go on to chapter three. After that, we will break into discussion groups to talk about the questions on chapter one. After that, we will write a journal about a quote from the book.

FRIDAY: We will have an adjective quiz today after we do ROL and Caught 'Ya. Then we will finish reading chapter three and writing the journal.

Homework for the week: Monday--None
Thursday--Chapter one read with discussion questions finished
Friday--Adjective Quiz and chapter two finished with the worksheet done
Next Monday--WR2 #2 due and a CPS quiz on Chapters 1-3

Facts to know: A recent discovery was made where scientists are 99% sure that they have found the ark in Turkey, resting on Mount Ararat, encased in ice. There are Chinese and Turkish scientists checking it out.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The groups will be meeting in the library on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday! Sorry!

English for April 19-23

Monday: We are finishing up demonstration speeches--Hopefully! Otherwise, those who still didn't get to go will be fitted in during the rest of the week.

Tuesday: We will be going to the library and splitting up into three groups for today, Wednesday and Thursday. One group will be taking the Scholastic Reading Inventory in the computer lab. The rest of the students will be divided into two groups, one with Mrs. Malloch where you will be doing some adjective exercises and an activity about S.E. Hinton, the author of the book we are going to start reading. In Ms. Naber's group we will be brainstorming and talking a bit about the 50s and the 60s, and then you will be writing a journal.

Wednesday: Groups in the library

Thursday: Job Shadowing Day

Friday: Groups in the library

Homework due this week: WR2 due on Friday (read a book for 4 15-minute time periods and then write a five-sentence summary and draw a picture. Also, the journal and the S.E. Hinton Bio information are due.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 15-19, 2010

Monday- We will do read out loud and Caught 'Ya. We will also be reading chapter 7 from The Devil's Arithmetic (be sure to fill in your character chart and box). Finally, we will be interpreting a poem from the book and writing a short poem.

Tuesday- We will review
vocabulary words (quiz over these 10 words Friday). We will also be reading chapter 8 from The Devil's Arithmetic. We will have two handouts to complete on verb tenses.

Wednesday- We will begin with read out loud, Caught 'Ya, and a
quick trip to the library. Students will also get a chance to review their vocabulary and we will read chapters 9-10 in The Devil's Arithmetic.

Thursday- We will review vocabulary for the last time before the quiz Friday. We will also have questions over the first 10 chapters of The Devil's Arithmetic to check for understanding.

Friday- We will do read out loud and Caught 'Ya. They will have their vocabulary quiz, and we will also read chapter 11 from The Devil's Arithmetic.

*Make sure any late projects are getting done: tic, tac, toe book project or your mystery!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

English Work for March 8-12, 2010

We are finally starting The Devil's Arithmetic after our Seder meal last week!

Monday: We will do read out loud and Caught 'Ya. Then we will do an introductory activity for the book. Next, we will listen to two chapters of The Devil's Arithmetic on CD. After each chapter students will have a choice of how to summarize the chapter. You can either write down five important events or draw a picture of one important event with a caption. The drawings must be in color. We also will start filling in a character description chart.

Tuesday: Today we will work on a verb worksheet, reviewing present, past, and past participle irregular verbs. You will be able to do a crossword puzzle for extra credit. Also, you will write 15 sentences on three questions about traditions and remembering the past. We will also listen to/read chapter 3 in The Devil's Arithmetic, finish a box for that chapter and add to the character chart.

Wednesday: We will do read out loud and Caught 'Ya. We will have time to listen to/read chapter 4 of TDA, complete a box and do the character chart. We will also write a journal about injustices we see in the world.

Thursday: We will again have read out loud and do a Caught 'Ya sentence. Then we will work on vocabulary from TDA, writing definitions and sentences. We will also listen to/read Chapter 5 from TDA, complete a box, and continue with the character chart.

Friday: We will have read out loud and Caught 'Ya. We will work on more verb materials with "Vivacious Verbs" and then listen/read Chapter 6 in TDA, with a box to finish and more character chart work.

We are going to finish The Devil's Arithmetic before spring break, so be sure to keep up on the boxes and the reading. BUT PLEASE DO NOT READ AHEAD IN THE BOOK! Thanks!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 1-5, 2010

Happy March! We are celebrating that fact with conferences and a three-day week! Here's what we are doing!

Monday: Today we will do Read Out Loud and a Caught 'Ya. Then we handed in the Tic-Tac-Toe activities for the book we read. Be sure to hand yours in! We will also make corrections on the noun quiz we took and then start with our preparation for the book we are going to read, The Devil's Arithmetic, by learning some Jewish vocabulary.

Tuesday: We start out with some work on verbs. We have a verb worksheet with exercises to finish. We will clean out our English folders, too. Next, we will work on some peer editing for the rough draft of the mystery story that is due today. You will get an editing paper. A friend and an adult get to read your mystery and help you make it the best it can be.

Wednesday: Today we will finish up with the Jewish vocabulary and answer any questions about the mystery story that is due on Monday, March 8. Then we will have a Seder Meal to see how Jewish people celebrate the Passover.

Thursday: No School!

Friday: No School!

IMPORTANT DATE: March 8--Mystery story final draft,
rough draft and
six worksheets all DUE!

Monday, February 22, 2010

English Work for February 22-26

You get to start writing the mystery story this week! I know you will all be good at becoming detectives and investigators!

Monday: Write 3 character descriptions and a setting paragraph. These will both be included in your mystery story. They are all due on Thursday! We also started a noun review for our noun quiz on Wednesday.

Tuesday: Today we will write your introduction for the mystery story. Also in class we will work on "showing, not telling." This is a descriptive way of writing. Instead of saying, "I am scared." (telling), you could say, "My palms were sweating, my heart was beating out of my chest, and I felt cold all over." (showing) We will do the other side of the noun review worksheet.

Wednesday: After ROL and Caught 'Ya, we will take a noun quiz over all we have learned and practiced about nouns. That includes singular, plurals, possessives, contractions and possessive pronouns. We also will get a sheet for you to include clues and "red herrings" in your mystery story.

Thursday: (SSR) Today we will begin writing the mystery story rough draft and work on our Tic-Tac-Toe projects for the 200 page book we have been reading. The Tic-Tac-Toe project is due on Monday! The rough draft will be due on Tuesday!

Friday: (ROL and Caught 'Ya) We will enjoy a work day primarily for you to work on the Tic-Tac-Toe projects and the mystery rough draft. We will also start learning about verbs!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

English Work for February 16-19, 2010

It's time to start writing again. We are preparing for writing a mystery story during this week.

Monday: No school--Winter Break Day

Tuesday: In class we handed in the "Room of the Future" with 12 inventions and explanations and floor plan in color with everything labeled. The idea of writing a mystery story was introduced and we read a mystery story as an example.

Wednesday: We handed in a literary passport about any character from the five short stories we read. Then we finished another exercise on possessive nouns (yellow worksheet). Next we read another mystery story called "The Purr-fect Mystery" and filled in a short story chart about it. This is due on Thursday.

Thursday: We are going to start planning for our mystery story today. We will fill in a short story chart about it and then start describing the main character of the story by filling in a character questionnaire.

Friday: We will have a short story quiz today! Make sure you know all the parts of a short story from the blue worksheet that we studied in class. Also, we will do another exercise on possessive nouns and work on our Tic-Tac-Toe book reports which are due on March 1. Make sure you keep reading over the weekend and choose the three projects that you are going to do for your book.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Homework for February 8-12, 2010

We are in the middle of our short story unit! We are also reviewing nouns and their plural spellings.

Here are your homework and classroom work assignments for the week!

Monday: You should have finished your "Making Nouns Plural" worksheet.

Tuesday: In class you will finish reading "The Veldt," a rather gruesome sci-fi short story.
Also, you will finish by the end of Tuesday in class, the short story chart (green worksheet) about "Priscilla and the Wimps" and the "Analyzing Characters Chart" about Priscilla, Monk, and Melvin.

Wednesday: In class we will answer discussion questions about "The Veldt."

Thursday: On this day we will review short story vocabulary and we will start our new writing assignment: a MYSTERY story. We will learn about the parts necessary to make a good mystery and you will be thinking of good ideas for your own story.

Friday: Today we will read a short story entitled "The Story of an Hour" and we will fill in the character chart and the short story chart. We will also do a literary passport about a short story character.

If you have any questions, email us!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Homework for Friday, February 4, 2010

The worksheet entitled "Introduction to Nouns" is due.

In class on Friday we will have ROL, Caught Ya, and then we fill have time to review nouns, and work on more plural nouns. We will also fill in a short story chart about "Never Trust a Lady" and we will read a new short story called "Priscilla and the Wimps."

Remember that you need to have a 200 + page book for the Tic-Tac-Toe Activities that are due on Monday, March 1, 2010.