Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The week of December 12

Monday- Hand back The Breadwinner final tests and go over. Work on Christmas projects.

Tuesday- Good things and work on Christmas projects

Wednesday- Caught Ya, review complete sentences, and start presenting Christmas projects.

Thursday- Complete Sentence Assessment and present Christmas projects.

Friday- Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, and finish up any presentations


Monday-Tuesday- work on Christmas Project
Wednesday- review complete sentences

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week of December 5

Monday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, go over chapters 13-15 in the book, The Breadwinner, do some exercises on verbs and complete sentences, and discuss the Common Assessment over The Breadwinner which will be taken on Wednesday.
Tuesday-We will discuss good things, continue to work on complete sentences and verbs, and go over the Christmas project. The project will be a slideshow on Google Docs over different festivals and holidays celebrated around the world.
Wednesday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, and the common assessment over The Breadwinner.
Thursday- We will discuss good things and allow the students to begin working on the Christmas project.
Friday- We will Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, and allow the students to continue working on their project. Students will present the project to the class next week.

Monday- Avoiding Run-on sentences sheet
Tuesday- Any late work dealing with The Breadwinner
Wednesday-Friday- None :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

The week of Nov. 21

Monday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught ya, study our vocabulary words from The Breadwinner, write a letter to Parvana in The Breadwinner, and silent read chapters 7-9 (due tomorrow).

Tuesday- We will go over chapters 7-9 in The Breadwinner, study vocabulary, go over a complete sentences PowerPoint and do a worksheet on sentence fragments. If there's extra time they can start reading chapters 10-12.

Wednesday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, we'll take our second vocabulary quiz, hand out new vocabulary and silent read if there's extra time.

Monday- chapters 7-9 and questions, study vocab.
Tuesday- study vocab.
Wednesday- read chapters 10-12 due next Wednesday

No school Thursday, Friday, and Monday. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Week of November 14

Monday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, study vocabulary, discuss chapters 1-3 in The Breadwinner, and we'll do an exercise with sentence fragments and run on sentences. They will also get their next reading assignment (chapters 4-6) for The Breadwinner and questions (blue sheet). This is due on Friday.

Tuesday- We will start with silent reading, we'll study our vocabulary (quiz Thursday), and we'll go over a PowerPoint on run on sentences. Students will also get a worksheet on run on sentences.

Wednesday- We will be taking the SRI test (Scholastic Reading Inventory). This test gauges where there reading level is and gives them a lexile score for their result. We determine reading interventions based on the SRI scores. Students will have work time after they finish the test.

Thursday- We will take our vocabulary test, go over pronouns, and read from The Breadwinner. Students will also get new vocabulary words.

Friday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught Ya Quiz #2- it will cover run on sentences and using commas and conjunctions, we'll discuss chapters 4-6 and will study our new vocab. words. Chapters 7-9 and questions will be due on Tuesday.

Monday- study vocab., begin reading 4-6 and do the questions
Tuesday- study vocab., read and questions
Wednesday- study vocab., read and questions
Thursday- make sure 4-6 is read and the questions are done
Friday- Begin reading 7-9 (due Friday), and study new vocab.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The week of Nov. 7

Monday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, and we'll do an introduction to Afghanistan (the country, the people, what kids do there, and their culture). This is in preparation of reading The Breadwinner- a book we will begin as a class on Thursday.

Tuesday- Students will get their myths handed back to them, they'll take a pre-test on pronouns, and we'll learn some background information on the author of The Breadwinner, Debra Ellis.

Wednesday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, students will get vocabulary words for The Breadwinner, and we'll do a PowerPoint on pronouns

Thursday- Students will get their own copy of The Breadwinner, we will define who or what is a breadwinner, and students will get questions they'll need to answer over chapters 1-3. Reading chapters 1-3 will be due on Monday. If there's extra time, they will silent read.

Friday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught ya, study vocabulary, and we'll also go over pronouns.

Monday- Finish up essay on Alexander the Great (if you haven't already done this)
Thursday- Read The Breadwinner (chapters 1-3 due on Monday), study vocabulary
Friday- Read The Breadwinner, study vocabulary

Monday, October 31, 2011

The week of October 31

Monday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, go over learning targets for reading, writing, and speaking that we'll cover with this week's lesson (on Alexander the Great). We'll define what greatness is and read some background information on Alexander the Great.

Tuesday- Work with social studies class on the Alexander the Great lesson. We'll work on understanding the question- Is Alexander the Great really great? and we'll be reading through documents that can be used to support either side.

Wednesday- We have library and after that we will look at the documents and pick documents that support whether or not Alexander is great. We will have a debate versus Mrs. Striegle's class on whether Alexander the Great really was great or not- English will always debate that he wasn't, and social studies will always debate that he was.

Thursday- Work with social studies on organizing our ideas on Alexander, creating a thesis, and writing an outline.

Friday- Students will type their essay on Alexander the Great.

Monday- Finish the final draft of the myth. It's due Tuesday.
Friday- Finish paper on Alexander the Great

Due to working with social studies on Tuesday and Thursday (our usual SSR days), we will not have a weekly reading report this week.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The week of October 24

Monday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, share three introductions and pick the best one to start writing your myth with. Make sure rough draft has your exciting intro. and setting included from pre-writing. Also, make sure myth has dialogue, paragraphs, and a good plot line.

Tuesday- Share good news, practice editing and revisions with "Scared Nutty", go through your rough draft and pick a spot to "explode a moment" and elaborate on it. Also check your rough draft for word choice. If done, silent read.

Wednesday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, and do peer editing for their myth. The final draft of the myth will be due on Tuesday (of next week). Final drafts should be double spaced when typed, or hand written, skipping lines, using black or blue ink. Make sure to include name and hour in the upper right hand corner, and to have a title centered at the top.

No school Thursday and Friday due to parent/teacher conferences Monday and Tuesday from 3:30-8:00. We hope to see you at conferences!

Monday- work on rough draft of myth- due Tuesday
Tuesday- work on explode a moment and adding any additional words/phrases to myth
Wednesday- work on final draft of myth- due next Tuesday!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week of October 17

Monday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, Go over Cause and Effect essays, begin reading various myths in groups (they'll have a different reading strategy for each story).

Tuesday- MEAP (math) in the morning, continue reading myths in groups

Wednesday- MEAP (writing part 2) in the morning, Library visit, Read out Loud, Caught Ya, finish reading myths

Thursday- Silent reading, read an example of a myth from a previous seventh grader, fill in myth planning map, and begin writing a setting paragraph. Hand in myth map when complete.

Friday- Read out Loud, Caught ya, go over different types of introductions- write 3 and use one in your myth

Homework for this week is only to catch up on any late work and to read for Weekly Reading Report #4- due on Friday. I'll also want myth maps turned in when completed so I can check that your myth is on the right track.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week of October 10

It's the most wonderful time of the year...No, not Christmas. No, not a break. It's the MEAP test! We will be taking the MEAP test in our exploratory class on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at the beginning of each day. Other core class times will be shorter due to the MEAP.

Monday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, go over noun sheet from Friday, go over 1st and 3rd person, and go over common misspelled words (there, their, they're, too, two, to, etc.). There is a packet over the misspelled words due Tuesday.

Tuesday- Silent reading, go over common misspelled words, and do another practice with there, their, and they're.

Wednesday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, and a noun review for Friday's Noun Test.

Thursday- Noun review game and silent reading

Friday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, any questions on nouns, and the Noun Test.

Monday- Work on common misspelled words and "Theseus and the Minotaur"- one sentence summary and a picture for each paragraph (12)
Tuesday- work on "Theseus and the Minotaur"
Wednesday- work on silent reading (WR2 due Friday- 75 pages), and noun review
Thursday- silent reading, study nouns
Friday- WR2 #3 is due today

Monday, October 3, 2011

The week of October 3

Well, after a crazy Friday, we're back. Some classes will be a little altered due to the fact that they did not meet on Friday.

Monday- Mrs. Malloch's class will work with Mr. Wandel on a cause and effect science paper. Students will brainstorm, fill out an outline, and write their paper today. Ms. Naber's class will be doing this Tuesday with Mr. Malefyt. (Ms. Naber's class will be doing Tuesday's work on Monday)

Tuesday- Silent reading, read the myth of Hercules, and fill in the note sheet explaining his 12 labors.

Wednesday- We'll go to the library, do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, go over plurals, possessives, and contractions (4th and 6th hours), and have some time to work on Hercules.

Thursday- silent reading (or finish Hercules if needed), have a comprehension check over plurals, possessives and contractions, and we'll begin reading "Theseus and the Minotaur"- students will draw a picture and write a one sentence summary corresponding to the paragraph they read- due Tuesday.

Friday- Read out loud, Caught ya, do a noun review on plurals, possessives, and contractions, and we'll have time to work on "Theseus and the Minotaur"


Monday- Point of View for "Persephone and the Seasons" is due
Tuesday- read
Wednesday- read
Thursday- common misspelled words packet and weekly reading report due Friday
Friday- work on "Theseus and the Minotaur" sentences and drawings

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week of September 26

Monday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, practice identifying nouns, and we'll brainstorm a time where they or someone else had to face a challenge. Any extra time will be used to either work on their student writing response or to silent read.

Tuesday- We will begin with Silent Reading (their weekly reading report is due on Friday- they must read 75 pages and fill in the sheet), and we will also reflect on our cause and effect writing from last week. We will also begin talking about using commas in a series.

Wednesday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, teach point of view and have an assignment practice this, and go over the rules for plural nouns.

Thursday- We will begin with Silent Reading, practice with plural nouns, and read "Persephone and the Season". There will be a journal writing assignment using point of view and a character from the story. This writing will be due on Monday.

Friday- We will do Read out Loud, Caught Ya, and go over the difference with plurals, possessives, and contractions. We will practice this and have some work time at the end to work on their journal.

Monday- Complete response to student writing sample- due Tuesday
Tuesday- Read and work on weekly reading report
Wednesday- Read and point of view assignment
Thursday- Read and begin journal- weekly reading report due Friday
Friday- Hand in weekly reading report, and get new weekly reading report. Journal due on Monday.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week of September 19

Monday- We will do Read out loud, Caught Ya, they'll present their conversation or comic in front of the class, and we'll review nouns. Students will have a sheet to do on common and proper nouns that may be homework.

Tuesday- We will have silent reading, go over proper nouns, and we'll talk about cause and effect writing.

Wednesday- We will have our first visit to the library, do Read out loud, and Caught Ya. We will brainstrom a cause and effect paper.

Thursday- We will have silent reading, we'll read the myth about Pandora's box and students will have to answer multiple choice questions and a short answer using the story. We will also have work time where they can silent read or work on their cause and effect essay (rough draft).

Friday- We'll do Read out loud, Caught Ya, go over a student writing sample response, and we'll write our own response.

Monday- they'll have to hand in their god/goddess Barbie/ action figure and conversation. Do proper noun sheet for homework.
Tuesday- read for homework
Wednesday- read for homework, and work on beginning cause and effect essay
Thursday- work on cause and effect essay and weekly reading report- both due Friday!
Friday- the first weekly reading report and the rough draft of the cause and effect essay is due. A new weekly reading report will be handed out- due next Friday- read 75 pages and fill in sheet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The week of September 12

Welcome to the 7th grade English blog! We're happy to have you here. You can check this website to see what's going on in class, and see what the homework will be for the week.

Monday- Read out loud from the book Crash, do Caught Ya (a grammar/editing activity), we reviewed how to punctuate dialogue, and we practiced punctuating dialogue with an article. Lastly, students were assigned a god, goddess, or Titan and they needed to read through the packet of information and take sticky notes on their person for homework.

Tuesday- We shared good news, we went over their dialogue practice from yesterday, and students were given an assignment for their god/goddess/Titan. They will need to create their own action figure or Barbie doll for their person. They will also be paired up with another student and they will have to create a conversation or comic between their person and their partner's person. These will both be due on Monday.

Wednesday- Read out loud, Caught Ya, read "Arachne" and do multiple choice and short answer questions over the story. Finally, there will be work time for their action figure/Barbie, or to work on their conversation.

Thursday- We will start with silent reading for 15 minutes. They have a weekly reading report that needs to be filled out after they read for 15 minutes. They need to write a five sentence summary and need to draw a picture. We'll read a myth about Daedalus and Icarus, and we'll decide who is to blame. Finally, there will be work time for their action figure/Barbie, or to work on their conversation.

Friday-Read out loud, Caught Ya, Noun review and practice, and then work time. Their two assignments on their god, goddess, Titan are due on Monday!

Mon- read about your god/goddess and take sticky notes
Tues- you could work on your action figure or Barbie (due Monday)
Wed- make sure you get an SSR book for Thursday
Thurs- work on your action figure figure or Barbie
Fri- Silent read over the weekend, and make sure your action figure is done by Monday

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Week of June 6

Monday- Review parts of speech and then take the test over parts of speech
Tuesday- Read out Loud, go over The Outsiders final, create a news broadcast for The Outsiders
Wednesday- Present news broadcast, start watching The Outsiders and fill in a sheet comparing the book to the movie
Thursday- Finish the movie and discuss the differences between the book and the movie.
Friday- No School- Out for the Summer!

Week of May 30

Monday- No School- Memorial Day
Tuesday- Silent reading (finish The Outsiders), Caught Ya, Parts of Speech review in class
Wednesday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, CPS Quiz over The Outsiders 10-12, Go over POS review
Thursday- Dunes Day
Friday- Final test over The Outsiders- multiple choice and essay

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Week of May 23

Monday- Caught Ya, read chapter 8 of The Outsiders in a group, and finish interjections.

Tuesday- Read out loud, go over interjections, present glogs, and begin preposition practice. HW- preposition practice

Wednesday- Silent reading chapter 9 of The Outsiders, caught ya, conjunction practice, and begin song in group. HW- chapter 9 due Thursday.

Thursday- Quiz over 7-9, finish song and present, go over conjunctions, silent read chapter 10.

Friday- Quiz over prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections, discussion questions over chapter 10.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Week of May 16

Monday- Read out loud, Caught Ya, go over discussion questions in groups, and brainstorm attributes of heroes.

Tuesday- Silent reading- The Outsiders chapter 7, practice prepositions, explain inferences, and go over 2 inferences in chapter 7. Finish brainstorm on heroes.

Wednesday- Read out loud, Caught ya, begin Glogster assignment on heroes

Thursday- work on Glogster assignment, when done work on interjection and conjunction exercises

Friday- Finish Glogster assignment and present to class.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week of May 9

Monday- Read Out Loud, Pronoun review, silent reading for chapter 5 of The Outsiders. Wanted Poster is due today.

Tuesday- Pronoun quiz, "Nothing Gold Can Stay"- go over poem, and work on a response to a student writing sample.

Wednesday- Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, Preposition PowerPoint, introduce friendly letter (like Soda wrote to Ponyboy). Get address, envelope, and stamp from home. Letter is due Friday.

Thursday- Silent reading- chapter 6, work on prepositions, and work on letter.

Friday- Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, CPS quiz over chapters 4-6, and discussion questions over chapter 6. The letter is due today.

Week of May 2

Monday- Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, work on analogies, and read chapter three of The Outsiders.
Tuesday- Silent reading, Caught Ya, go over adverb test, and explain pronouns (PowerPoint)
Wednesday- Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, CPS quiz over chapters 1-3 in The Outsiders, journal entry on two quotes from chapter three- choose one to write about.
Thursday- Caught Ya, analogy quiz, silent reading, pronoun practice (due Friday), and introduce Wanted Poster for either Johnny or Ponyboy in The Outsiders (due Monday).
Friday- Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, go over pronoun practice, identity activity, finish chapter 4 and begin chapter 5 in The Outsiders.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday- We finished demonstration speeches
Tuesday- We took the SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) test for the last time this year to measure progress in reading.
Wednesday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, and we'll do some practice with adverbs and analogies. Weekly Reading Reports are due today!
Thursday- We will silent read, learn about the author S.E. Hinton (the author of The Outsiders), and we'll practice adverbs some more.
Friday- We'll do Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, get some background knowledge on the 1950s and 1960s, and write a journal on what it means to be an outsider.

HW- Weekly Reading Report- due Wed. (the 20th), any practice sheets for adverbs that didn't get done in classs

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The week of April 12th:

Monday- Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, Journal on Spring Break, and introduce demonstration speech vocabulary.

Tuesday- Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, an example of a demonstration speech, pick days to present, and begin working on your demonstration speech outline.

Wednesday- Library (get a book for weekly reading report), introduce adverbs, work on outline or silent read.

Thursday- silent reading, demonstrations speeches

Friday- demonstration speeches, Read Out Loud, Caught Ya

*New Weekly Reading Report is due next Wednesday!

Monday, March 28, 2011

The week of March 28:

It's the first day of the last quarter! Where has the time gone?? This week we will be working on a Mini Q on The Great Wall of China. Students will read various documents and will have to write a persuasive essay, using the documents as support, to say whether the costs of the Great Wall were worth the benefits. Thursday we will have a field trip and we will be learning about India.

HW- weekly reading report due Wednesday

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The week of March 7:

Here's what we did this week in English:

Monday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, Crispin quiz 101-152, and time to study vocabulary or read.

Tuesday- Silent reading, study vocab., begin adjectives, peer editing for the medieval letter

Wednesday- Read out Loud, Caught Ya, vocabulary quiz, activity with nouns, verbs, and adjectives

Thursday- Quiz over 152-202, silent reading, adjective practice with comparatives and superlatives, and study new vocabulary.

Homework- Reading Crispin, working on the rough draft and final draft of the medieval letter, and studying vocabulary.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The week of February 28:

Monday- After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we will study the spelling words. Then we will take a quiz on Chapters 5-15 in Crispin. The next assignment will be Chapters 16-21 (pages 69-100) and the quiz will be Thursday. We will then go over a verb review exercise (that they were given Friday) in class to prepare them for the verb test Tuesday.

Tuesday- We will do the Verb Test, silent reading time, study vocabulary, and we'll have discussion questions over pages 69-100 -due Thursday (with the reading).

Wednesday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught 'Ya, and we'll have our spelling quiz over 10 words from Crispin. Students will get new vocabulary words and they'll have some work time to read or work on discussion questions.

Thursday- We'll take the Crispin quiz (69-100), discuss the discussion questions in groups, study the new vocabulary, and silent read.

Friday- We will do Read Out Loud, a Caught 'Ya, study spelling, and we'll introduce a letter writing assignment using the characters and events that are in Crispin. The rough draft of this letter is due Tuesday.

Monday- study spelling, reading Crispin
Tuesday- study spelling, discussion questions are due Thursday
Wednesday- reading- Pgs. 69-100 are due Thursday, discussion questions
Thursday- study new vocab. and read Crispin
Friday- Rough draft of letter and Pgs. 101-152 are due Monday

Friday, February 18, 2011

Monday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught 'Ya, and we will hand out the book Crispin. We will begin reading the book and will start an activity where students will be mapping Crispin's adventures and events that occur during the book. There will be a quiz over chapters 1-4 in the book on Wednesday.

Tuesday- We'll have silent reading. Students will get vocabulary words that deal with Crispin. They will be on flashcards. We will also work on verbs, doing a practice exercise in class.

Wednesday- We will start with Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. We will also make a quick trip to the library to renew and check out books. We plan to take a Crispin Quiz on Chapters 1-4 (pages 1-23) using the CPS system. The next section of the book Crispin will be Chapters 5-15 (pages 23-69) and the quiz will be on Friday. We have another verb exercise to do as well.

Thursday- The hour will begin with SSR time. Then we will study the spelling words for the quiz next Tuesday. We will also do a verb exercise on keeping verb tenses consistent.

Friday- After Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya, we will study the spelling words. Then we will take a quiz on Chapters 5-15 in Crispin. The next assignment will be Chapters 16-21 (pages 69-100) and the quiz will be next Tuesday. We will then complete a verb review exercise in class for the verb quiz on Monday.

HOMEWORK: Monday--None
Wednesday--Quiz over Chapters 1-4 in Crispin
Friday--Quiz over Chapters 5-15 in Crispin

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week of February 15-18

Monday- No School- Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday- We will do an exercise on verbs. Students will finish their plan sheet for their PowerPoint, and they will begin to make their presentation on medieval terms. There will be an exit ticket on defining a verb and listing 8 state of being verbs.

Wednesday- We will do Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Students will get to finish their PowerPoint presentations.

Thursday- We will do another activity with verbs. Students will present their medieval term and students will take notes on others' presentations.

Friday- We will do Read Out Loud and Caught 'Ya. Students will finish presenting their medieval term presentation, and students will continue to take notes.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday- We finished up loose ends with poetry, and began a PowerPoint on verbs.

Tuesday- We had silent reading, finished the verb PowerPoint, and practiced identifying verbs.

Wednesday- We did Read Out Loud and Caught Ya. We also introduced their medieval term project where students work with a partner researching an aspect of medieval life. They will eventually be creating a PowerPoint presentation which they will present to the class next week. This work is in preparation for the reading of the novel Crispin.

Thursday- We will continue to work on their medieval term project and we'll do another activity with verbs.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The week of January 31st

Monday- Read out Loud, poetry quiz, and work time on their Poetry Anthology.

Tuesday- Poetry Coffeehouse! Today we celebrate poetry by handing in our Poetry Anthologies, reciting 20 lines of our own poetry, and sipping hot chocolate. :)

Wednesday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught Ya, and we'll take a trip to the library. We will do a PowerPoint on verbs and we'll also do a verb exercise.

Thursday and Friday- A Team will be speaking in English.

January 24-28

Monday- We did Read Out Loud and Caught Ya. The students also chose the 20 lines of their own poetry that they'd like to recite next Tuesday for our coffeehouse. We learned about personification and wrote a 12 line poem using personification.

Tuesday- They went over the noun quiz (they didn't have the best results), and they were given a retake ticket on nouns to do in order to retake the quiz Friday.

Wednesday- We did Read Out Loud and Caught Ya, and we work on our memorization. We went over Oxymorons and wrote an 8 line poem using oxymorons.

Thursday- We had a work day in the computer lab and we went over the retake ticket.

Friday- We had the noun retake and had the laptops in the classroom for a work day. Weekly Reading Report #3 was due.

Homework- Any late work!
Poetry Anthology is due Tuesday- you need your 10 poems in final draft form, 2 favorite poems, the favorite poems sheet, and the poetry log.
Memorize your 20 lines for Tuesday

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3-7

Happy New Year! We're back to school and hard at work! In January we will be doing our poetry unit.

Monday- We will share about our breaks, Read Out Loud, do a Caught 'Ya, and learn how to read a poem out loud. We will also introduce our first poetry assignment which is to memorize and recite one of four poems in front of class (due next Monday). We will begin memorizing the first four lines today.

Tuesday- We will do Read Out Loud, Caught 'Ya, and we'll continue to memorize our poem. We'll go over various poetry terms and listen to our first poem set to music, "The Highwayman".

Wednesday- We will go to the library to get a book for our Weekly Reading Report. It should be a book you have not read before and should be at least 200 pages long. We'll ROL, do a Caught 'Ya, and review nouns (quiz Friday over nouns). We'll also introduce onomatopoeia, find it in "The Highwayman" and write an eight line poem using onomatopoeia.

Thursday- Mrs. Malloch's class will be doing SRI testing and silent reading when the test is finished. Ms. Naber's class will do ROL, Caught 'Ya, and rehearse their poem. There will be a noun quiz, and we'll write an "I Am" poem.

Friday- Ms. Naber's class will be doing SRI testing and silent reading when the test is finished. Mrs. Malloch's class will do ROL, Caught 'Ya, and rehearse their poem. There will be a noun quiz, and we'll write an "I Am" poem.

***Late work slips were handed out this week. Get this work in ASAP!!!!

Monday- Rehearse poem
Tuesday- Rehearse poem
Wednesday- Finish onomatopoeia poem, read for Weekly Reading Report
Thursday- Rehearse poem and read
Friday- Rehearse poem (recite on Monday!), and read for Weekly Reading Report